Sunday, 22 March 2009

A Sweet Little Story

There is this little wave, bobbing up and down.. and having a grand time.. just enjoying the sunshine. Until he sees the other waves crashing into the shore.. This little wave gets scared..."Oh My God! Is it gonna happen to me!!"

Another wave asks, "Why do you look so sad?"... and the little wave says,, 'because we are gonna crash... all of us are gonna be nothing... don't you understand?"

The other wave says," You don't understand... you are not a wave... you are part of the ocean..."


-- Excerpt from 'Tuesdays with Morrie'

1 comment:

ramu said...

Very true. Many waves crash at the shore. But only few leaves a trail of bubbles and wetness on the sand. Those are the waves which rise higher in spite of knowing they are going to crash.
There are even waves which race from behind to suppress the smaller ones. Rising tsunamis :(
By the way am one of the wave named Ram from the beach called Baynes :)
How are you da?