Thursday, 28 June 2012

The Chennai Columns: Mount Road to Anna Salai

If the name 'Anna Salai' doesn't ring you a bell, you are not a Chennaite; unless, you are accustomed to the old-fashioned Mount road! I've always wondered why this flat placid track would be called Mount Road for no reason. Interestingly none of the Chennaivasis I know - be of any age - gave me a convincing reason. After a bit of online research and visits to couple of book stores, here is why. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Lost Love

Pai and Mai macaws were desperate. They hopped around the branches of the fallen tree searching frantically. They usually don't leave the nest unguarded; but today, Mai was poisoned by some toxic seeds she ate, and they had to scurry to the river bank for clay. It had happened when they were away. The tree they had nested in was cut down, and its trunk gone.